Friday, April 2 / 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM   •   Beacon A

Session 88:
Public Policy and the Wellbeing of Children and Youth

Chair: Janet Gornick, City University of New York at Baruch
Discussant: Ariel Kalil, University of Chicago

  1. Are There Persistent Effects of Early Maternal Employment on Child Cognitive Outcomes? A Longitudinal Look at Children from the NICHD Study of Early Child CareJane Waldfogel, Columbia University

  2. The Effects of an Anti-Poverty Program on Children's Cumulative Risk: Exploring the Role of Program ServicesAnna Gassman-Pines, New York University

  3. Welfare Reform and Preschoolers: Are Certain Children at Risk?Christine P. Li-Grining, Northwestern University ; Elizabeth Votruba-Drzal, Northwestern University ; P. Lindsay Chase-Lansdale, Northwestern University

  4. Income and Children's Achievement: Leveraging Data from Random-Assignment ExperimentsPamela Morris, Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation (MDRC) ; Greg J. Duncan, Northwestern University ; Chris Rodrigues, Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation (MDRC) ; Heather D. Hill, Northwestern University ; Elizabeth Clark-Kauffman, Northwestern University

Other sessions on Children and Youth