The Effects of an Anti-Poverty Program on Children's Cumulative Risk: Exploring the Role of Program Services
Anna Gassman-Pines, New York University
Prior anti-poverty programs, such as comprehensive early childhood programs, appear to have impacts on multiple risks for negative child outcomes. However, program effects on cumulative risk have not been examined with programs that directly impact employment and income. This paper aims to examine the effect of New Hope, a comprehensive anti-poverty program, on children's cumulative risk. New Hope provided a number of services to individuals working full time. Results show that New Hope decreased children's cumulative risk and that this decrease was concentrated among children in early childhood at study entry. Results also indicate significant indirect effects of New Hope on children's parent-reported school performance and behavior problems, via cumulative risk Finally, results show a relationship between use of different program services and cumulative risk. Use of the health insurance and child care subsidies, as well as the total number of services used, were related to lower cumulative risk.
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Presented in Session 88: Public Policy and the Wellbeing of Children and Youth