Saturday, April 3 / 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM   •   Fairfax

Session 131:
Fertility Preferences

Chair: Larry Bumpass, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Discussant: Nan M. Astone, Johns Hopkins University

  1. Fertility Intention Emergence, Persistence, and Process during Late Adolescence and Early Adulthood: Voluntary Childlessness as a Special CaseJacinda K. Dariotis, Pennsylvania State University

  2. Fertility Intentions: Postpone or Reject a Birth? The Case of BulgariaDimiter Philipov, Vienna Institute of Demography

  3. Attitudes that Differentiate Alternative Family Size IdealsRoderic Beaujot, University of Western Ontario ; Amir Erfani, University of Western Ontario

  4. An Analysis of Intended Parity and Ideal Family Size in the United States, 1970-2002Kellie J. Hagewen, Duke University ; S. Philip Morgan, Duke University

Other sessions on Fertility, Family Planning and Reproductive Health