Health Profile of the 65+ Population in the United States
Manisha Sengupta, U.S. Census Bureau
The United States Census counted 35 million Americans aged 65 years and older in 2000. Many of these older men and women experience multiple health problems, chronic conditions, impairments and functional limitations, and consequently need long-term care. This growing older population therefore has important implications on the health care, long-term care, and financial needs of our society. This poster provides a comprehensive review of the health status of older Americans. Using multiple sources of data and published reports, and a spectrum of health measures, this poster summarizes the health status of men and women aged 65 years and older. To cover various aspects of health, and the long-term care needs of older men and women, the poster is divided into five major sections. These include life expectancy and mortality, health behavior and risks, chronic conditions and disability, and long-term care and health expenditures.
Presented in Poster Session 4: Aging