Session 96:
Applied Demography with a Neighborhood Perspective
Chair: Shelley Lapkoff, Lapkoff & Gobalet Demographic Research, Inc.
Discussant: Dowell Myers, University of Southern California
New Approaches to Spotting Enclaves of the Elderly Who Have Aged in Place Thomas M. Bryan, Third Wave Research ; Peter A. Morrison, RAND
Evaluating Policy Decisions with Demographic Data: Evidence from the Moving to Opportunity Study William A.V. Clark, University of California, Los Angeles
Estimating AIAN Migration on Indian Reservations in the Western United States Gretchen Greene, Northwest Economic Associates ; Jeri Sawyer, Northwest Economic Associates
Viability of a Church-Based Sampling Strategy for Latina Immigrant Women Melanie R. Wasserman, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Deborah E. Bender, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; William D. Kalsbeek, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Other sessions on Applied Demography