The Persistence of Nonpermanent Migration in Argentina's Rural Livelihoods
Susana B. Adamo, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Despite the profound transformations underwent by the rural areas and populations of Argentina, circulation or nonpermanent migration is still a typical feature of rural livelihoods. The objective of this paper is to illustrate the persistence of this type of population mobility and its current role in the growing diversification of those livelihoods in an irrigated area of the west of Argentina. The data come from interviews with small farm households of Jáchal (province of San Juan) fielded in 2001. The analysis of the interviews shows a diverse picture. Nonpermanent migration has remained as a regular strategy is some of the households while being absent in others, and family migration histories indicated that the situation was similar in the past. At the same time, new destinations and activities have been added to the traditional ones. These additions reflect the changes in the country's national economy.
See paper
Presented in Session 61: Internal Migration in Developing Countries II