Friday, April 2 / 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM   •   Fairfax

Session 83:
Non-Marital Fertility

Chair: Christine A. Bachrach, National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Discussant: Saul D. Hoffman, University of Delaware

  1. Variation in Transition to the Next Birth by Parity and Marital StatusSarah R. Hayford, University of Pennsylvania

  2. Community Context and Race/Ethnic Differences in Non-Marital FertilityElizabeth M. Wildsmith, University of Texas at Austin

  3. Pre-Marital Birth, Marriage, and WelfareJose J. Canals-Cerda, University of Colorado at Boulder

  4. What Did the Out-of-Wedlock Birth Reduction Bonus Reward?Sanders Korenman, City University of New York at Baruch ; Theodore Joyce, Baruch College and National Bureau of Economic Research ; Jennifer Walper, City University of New York at Baruch

Other sessions on Fertility, Family Planning and Reproductive Health