Thursday, April 1 / 3:30 PM - 5:20 PM   •   Beacon F

Session 62:
Intergenerational Exchanges

Chair: Robert A. Pollak, Washington University in St. Louis
Discussant: Liliana E. Pezzin, Medical College of Wisconsin

  1. The Development of Public Transfers in the United States: Historical Generational Accounts for Education, Social Security, and MedicareAntoine Bommier, Université Toulouse 1 Sciences Sociales ; Ronald Lee, University of California, Berkeley ; Tim Miller, University of California, Berkeley

  2. Long-Term Care, Formal Home Health Care, and Informal CareDavid Byrne, Federal Reserve Board ; Michelle Goeree, University of Amsterdam ; Bridget Hiedemann, Seattle University ; Steven Stern, University of Virginia

  3. The Division of BequestsMichael Hurd, RAND ; James P. Smith, RAND

  4. How Do Families Allocate Elder Care Responsibilities between Siblings?Richard W. Johnson, Urban Institute ; Anthony T. Lo Sasso, Northwestern University

Other sessions on Population and Aging