Session 41:
Fertility and Social Inequality in Developing Countries
Chair: Tomas Frejka, Independent Consultant
Discussant: Elwood Carlson, Florida State University
Why Is Fertility Still So High in Guatemala? Sofie De Broe, University of Southampton ; Andrew Hinde, University of Southampton ; Jane Falkingham, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
Closing Gender Gaps in Education in Africa: The Potential Contribution of Pregnancy-Avoidance Programs Parfait Eloundou-Enyegue, Cornell University ; Joseph M. Stycos, Cornell University ; Fatou S. Jah, Cornell University
Does Family Planning Program Reduce Inequality in Fertility, Contraceptive Use, and Other Health Care Utilization? Evidence from Bangladesh Saifuddin Ahmed, Johns Hopkins University
Other sessions on Fertility, Family Planning and Reproductive Health