Saturday, April 3 / 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM   •   Gardner

Session 149:
Gender and Patriarchy in India and Bangladesh

Chair: Abusaleh Shariff, National Council of Applied Economic Research, India
Discussant: Maitreyi B. Das, World Bank Group

  1. Refining the Measurement of Women's Autonomy: The Case of Rural IndiaRina Agarwala, Princeton University

  2. The Process of Integration: From Traditional to Non-Traditional Family and Reproductive Behaviours. The Case of IndiaMariachiara Di Cesare, Università di Roma "La Sapienza"

  3. Are Children from Smaller Families Healthier? Examining the Causal Effects of Family Size on Child WelfareAnkur Sarin, University of Chicago

  4. Cross-Generational Effects of Women's Empowerment in Rural BangladeshSidney Ruth Schuler, Academy for Educational Development (AED) ; Farzana Islam, Jahangirnagar University ; Md. Khairul Islam, Plan International ; Lisa M. Bates, Harvard University

Other sessions on Marriage, Family and Households