Saturday, April 3 / 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM   •   Beacon G

Session 142:
Educational Attainment: Social and Economic Issues

Chair: Thomas DiPrete, Duke University
Discussant: Herbert L. Smith, University of Pennsylvania

  1. High School Exit Examinations and State-Level Graduation and GED Rates, 1992-2000John R. Warren, University of Minnesota ; Krista N. Jenkins, University of Minnesota

  2. The Effects of State-Mandated Testing on Educational OutcomesDean R. Lillard, Cornell University

  3. Parental Divorce and Child Educational Attainment: A Dynamic ApproachShirley H. Liu, Stony Brook University, State University of New York

  4. Why Do Minority Men Earn Less? A Study of Wage Differentials among the Highly EducatedDan Black, Syracuse University ; Amelia Haviland, Carnegie Mellon University ; Seth G. Sanders, University of Maryland ; Lowell Taylor, Carnegie Mellon University

Other sessions on Economy, Labor Force, Education and Inequality