Session 135:
Abortion I
Chair: Stanley K. Henshaw, Alan Guttmacher Institute
Discussant: Axel Mundigo, Center for Health and Social Policy
Abortion among Non-School Youths in Nigeria Igwe Aja-Nwachuku, Abia State University
Implementing ICPD Recommendations for Safe and Accessible Abortion: Results of a Global Survey Leila Hessini, Ipas ; Lucia Rayas, Independent Consultant ; Charlotte H. Smith, Ipas ; Daniela Draghici, Ipas
Changes in the Prevalence of Induced Abortion in the Philippines Fatima Juarez, El Colegio de México ; Josefina V. Cabigon, University of the Philippines ; Susheela D. Singh, Alan Guttmacher Institute
Abortion and Contraception in Pakistan: Birth Control Strategies in an Islamic Society Zeba A. Sathar, Population Council ; Shafique Arif, Population Council
Other sessions on Fertility, Family Planning and Reproductive Health