Session 115:
The Economic Adaptation of Immigrants
Chair: Jennifer M. Hickes, University of Pennsylvania
Discussant: Gretchen Livingston, Princeton University
Selectivity and Economic Assimilation of Immigrants from the Former Soviet Union in Israel and the U.S. Yinon Cohen, Tel Aviv University ; Yitchak Haberfeld, Tel Aviv University
Gender, U.S. Immigration Policy, and the Wages of Latino Immigrants Katharine M. Donato, Rice University ; Chizuko Wakabayashi, Rice University ; Amada Armenta, Rice University
Earnings and English Language: Asian Indians and Chinese in the United States Veena Kulkarni, University of Maryland
Determinants of Occupational Ranking after Legalization among Immigrants to the United States Ilana Redstone, University of Pennsylvania
Other sessions on Migration and Urbanization