Friday, April 2 / 12:30 PM - 2:20 PM   •   Beacon H

Session 111:
Demography of Disability

Chair: Jacqueline L. Angel, University of Texas at Austin
Discussant: Emily M. Agree, Johns Hopkins University

  1. Trends in Selected Health Dimensions among the U.S. Elderly, 1982-1999Peiyun She, University of California, Berkeley

  2. Trends in the Health of the Older Population: Disability versus Biomarkers of Health RisksEileen Crimmins, University of Southern California ; Dawn Alley, University of Southern California ; Sandra L. Reynolds, University of South Florida ; Melanie Johnston, University of Southern California

  3. Disparities in Trends in Old-Age DisabilityBob Schoeni, University of Michigan ; Vicki A. Freedman, Polisher Research Institute ; Linda G. Martin, Population Council

  4. Disability in Later Life: Exploring Patterns of Limitations across AgeScott M. Lynch, Princeton University ; J. Scott Brown, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Other sessions on Population and Aging