Latinos and the Changing Face of America
Rogelio Saenz, Texas A&M University
The Latino population has made a significant impact on the demography of the U.S. population. The analysis uses data from the 1990 and 2000 Public Use Microdata Samples (PUMS) to highlight and analyze key demographic, marriage/family, language, and socioeconomic patterns related to the Latino population. The analysis, broken down by nativity status, is based on seven groups--Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Dominicans, Central Americans, South Americans, and Other Latinos. The results of the analysis highlight the different routes toward integration experienced by the 14 groups examined. In particular, Mexicans, the largest group within the Latino population, lag behind other groups with respect to socioeconomic characteristics. The paper concludes with an overview of recommendations for improving the socioeconomic conditions of Latinos. This paper is part of the Population Reference Bureau/Russell Sage Foundation Census 2000 Series.
Presented in Session 33: The PRB/Russell Sage Census Reports