Boys' and Girls' Education in Vietnam: Are They Equal in Educational Opportunities?
Phuong L. Nguyen, University of Washington
Thanh-Huyen Vu, University of Chicago
This study investigates determinants of gender inequality in educational enrollment in Vietnam. Data for this analysis is from the 1997/98 Living Standards Survey in Vietnam. This survey collected basis information on socioeconomics of households, community characters, and health and school facilities. This survey is the second round in the series of living standard surveys in Vietnam. Of particular, it covered a significant question on educational activities, such as, school attendance, pupil's study ability, and household financing for children's education. In our previous studies on educational enrollment, we did not find any significant different in school enrollment between boys and girls at formal education for those who enter school at their correct school ages. However, boys tend to stay at school longer compared to girls if we take into account those who are over-aged. Using logistic regression model, we will examine household settings, community characters and school factors which may contribute to gender inequality process in Vietnam.
Presented in Poster Session 3: Families, Parenting, Adolescents, and Children