Determinants of the Fertility of Poor Women: The Reproduction of Poverty Mexico, 1997
Jessica Natalia Najera, El Colegio de México
Objective: to Know which are the determinants of the fertility in the Mexican women (15-49 years old) that are found in conditions of poverty. The significant increase of the poverty, more than the 50% of the population, carries us to recognize that it is necessary to know which are the circumstances that carry to the poor population to continue having high rates of fertility, in comparison with the national average. National Survey of the Demographic Dynamics (1997) will be utilized. It will be carried out a regresión lineal, to grasp the magnitude and the direction of the intermediate variables that influence in the fertility. The delimitacion of the poverty was done under the features proposed by the Comite Official Tecnico for the Medicion of the Poverty of the Social Secretary of Development. The knowledge is necessary to support plans creation to the needs specify of this sector of the population.
Presented in Poster Session 1: Fertility Determinants, Family Planning, and Sexual Behavior