Is Knowledge of HIV/AIDS Translated into Behaviour among Men in Nepal?
Govinda P. Dahal, University of Southampton
Andrew Hinde, University of Southampton
This paper examines whether or not awareness of HIV/AIDS is related to safer sexual behaviour among Nepali men, using data from the 2001 Nepal Demographic and Health Survey, in which information was gathered from 2,261 married men aged 15-59 years. The results show clearly that men engaging in risky sexual behaviour have better knowledge of ways to avoid HIV/AIDS (abstain from sexual intercourse, condom use and having only one sexual partner) than other men. Their knowledge of modes of transmission is also slightly more extensive. Other covariate associated with risky sexual behaviour include marital duration and alcohol consumption. The marital duration effect probably arises in part because recently married men whose wives remain living in their parental home continue to engage in their previous sexual behaviour until their wives move in with them. Men engaged in risky sexual behaviour are significantly more likely to have consumed alcohol than other men.
Presented in Poster Session 1: Fertility Determinants, Family Planning, and Sexual Behavior