The Impact of a Behavior Change Communication Program on Contraceptive Ideation and Use in Burkina Faso: An Application of the Propensity Score Method
Stella Babalola, Johns Hopkins University
Burkina Faso is characterized by high fertility and low contraceptive usage. Against this background, the Johns Hopkins University Center for Communications Programs with funding from the USAID worked with the Burkina Ministry of Health to design and implement a behavior change communication campaign between 1998 and 2001. The campaign includes a quality promotion campaign and methods promotion jingles. Using propensity score matching technique this paper analyzes data from a 2001 survey to assess the effects of the campaign. The results show that more than three-quarters of the respondents reported exposure to at least one campaign material. Moreover, the campaign has significant graduated effects on contraceptive ideation and use. High campaign exposure is associated with an increase of 19.2 percentage points over no exposure while zero exposure is associated with 6.5 percentage point increase. The campaign is also associated with increased knowledge about contraceptives and more favorable attitudes towards family planning.
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Presented in Session 16: Contraception