Race, Ethnicity, and the Spatial Patterning of Crime
Lauren J. Krivo, Ohio State University
Ruth D. Peterson, Ohio State University
In this paper, we examine the ways in which the social structural conditions of neighborhoods and the spatial patterning of these conditions influence differential rates of criminal violence in racially and ethnically distinct local areas. When, under what circumstances, and why are crime patterns for different race/ethnic groups similar or dissimilar? Are the levels and sources of crime for various groups comparable when the diverse populations are similarly situated? We explore these questions for neighborhoods in two large cities--Chicago and Dallas. Our focus is on understanding the influence of the spatial patterning of structural disadvantage, immigration, and community investments (e.g., mortgage loan patterns) for violent crime in predominantly White, Black, Hispanic, Black-Hispanic and integrated local communities.
See paper
Presented in Session 141: Demography, Crime, and Incarceration