Correlates of Maternal Mortality in Adama Town and Environ: Evidence from Hospital Records
Samuel I. Kalu, Addis Ababa University
Habtamu Hika, Regional Finance and Economic Development Bureau, Assosa.
The socio-demographic and pathogenic correlates of maternal mortality among 16,279 women admitted for maternal causes in Adama hospital, in central Ethiopia, over the seven-year period, 1993-2000 were investigated. The results showed that, age and gravidity of the women had no significant influence on the risk of maternal mortality among the study population. However, parity and residence exhibited strong predictive influence. Pathogenic factors like hemorrhage, infection, hypertensive disorder of pregnancy, malaria, obstructed/prolonged labour, anemia and abortion, constituted the major predictors of maternal mortality in the study. Interestingly, abortion was found to reduce the risk of maternal death among the study population. It was surmised that the availability and effectiveness of post-abortion care in the hospital would largely explain the result. The study thus, provides an insight to the important correlates of maternal mortality in the area around the study hospital, which those concerned with improving maternal health might find useful.
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Presented in Session 125: Maternal Health and Mortality II