Risky Sexual Behaviour, Marital Relationship, and Gupt Rog ('Secret Illnesses' in Hindi) in the Slums of Mumbai City, India
Garimella Rama Rao, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Niranjan Saggurti, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Ravi K. Verma, Population Council
Rajendra Singh, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Stephen L. Schensul, University of Connecticut Health Center
This paper examines the nature of male premarital and extra-marital sexual behavior and its impact on sexual health in "slum" communities in Mumbai, India. Data for this paper was obtained from in-depth interviews (52), and a baseline survey (2408) with married men (21-40 years) as part of five year NIMH study. The results show a relatively higher degree of premarital (38%) and extramarital (23%) sex than has been found in surveys in other parts of India. Fifty three percent have reported at least one sexual health problem in the last three months. There was significant relationship between both pre-marital and extra-marital sexual relationship and the presence of sexual problems. Men's self perceptions, life-style and marital relationships are shown to be closely associated with involvement in risky sex. These results point to the need for interventions that go beyond community awareness and condom promotion for better men's sexual and reproductive health.
See paper
Presented in Session 145: Men's Reproductive Behavior