Can We Reduce the Level of Both Average Rate and Inequity in Infant Mortality? The Case of Colombia
Carmen E. Florez, Universidad de Los Andes
Previous studies for Colombia show important infant mortality inequalities by socioeconomic status. This document advances in that direction. It first measures socioeconomic inequalities in infant mortality, estimates the socioeconomic and demographic determinants for infant mortality using a Cox hazard model with time-varying variables, and then simulates the impact of particular public policy interventions on the level of both infant mortality rates and its inequity. It uses secondary data from 1995 and 2000 Demographic and Health Surveys. An asset index was constructed as socioeconomic status indicator. Extreme groups and the concentration index are used as key inequality indicator. Results indicate that development of appropriate sanitary installations, the promotion of education and the promotion of the use of health services during pregnancy or at delivery would lead directly to a reduction in both the level of infant mortality and its inequities.
See paper
Presented in Session 122: SES and Child Mortality