Migration and HIV: Use of Commercial Sex Workers among Latino Migrants in Durham, NC
Emilio A. Parrado, Duke University
Chenoa A. Flippen, Duke University
This analysis explores use of commercial sex workers (CSW) among foreign-born Latinos in a rapidly growing immigrant receiving city and discusses implications for the spread of HIV in the U.S. and internationally. Using data from an ethnosexual survey of 442 Latino immigrants in Durham, NC, we describe prevalence and frequency of CSW use. We then estimate logistic and negative binomial regression models to assess the social and demographic predictors of CSW use, and describe patterns of reported condom. Over 28 percent of respondents report using the services of a CSW during the previous year, with rates as high as 46 percent among single men and nearly 40 percent among married men living apart from their wives. While relatively few socio-demographic factors predict the likelihood of CSW use, frequency of use is sensitive to immigrants' family, migration, and socioeconomic characteristics. Reported rates of condom use are high, but fall as familiarity with CSWs increase.
Presented in Session 2: Migration and HIV