Refugee Resettlement and City Revitalization: Prospects for Change in Utica, New York
Ellen Kraly, Colgate University
This paper considers the potential of international migration, specifically refugee resettlement for social and economic development in U.S. metropolitan areas characterized by demographic decline. Utica, New York serves a metropolitan case study. In determining the potential of refugee resettlement for urban development, we have conducted interviews with a wide range community and institutional leaders and key informants concerning the implications of refugee resettlement for Utica. Informants were selected to represent critical sectors in the urban community and represent political offices and public administration, prominent community groups including ethnic organizations and churches, educational programs, urban research groups, business and commercial interests, foundations, and social service groups. We conclude by reflecting on avenues for productive exchange among these sets of actors and interests to tap the potential of refugee resettlement for fostering positive social, economic and political change in the metropolitan community.
Presented in Poster Session 6: Applied Demography, Methods, Migration, Labor and Education, Gender, and Race and Ethnicity