Timing and Trajectories of Canadian Men's Fertility: Is There a Bifurcation by Social Status?
Zenaida R. Ravanera, University of Western Ontario
Fernando Rajulton, University of Western Ontario
This study analyzes the timing of men's fertility, and the pathways through life course events involving education, work, marital unions, and fertility. In particular, it examines whether there is a bifurcation by socio-economic status in men's timing of and trajectories towards first birth. Young Canadians have delayed their transition to adulthood including having a child but there is a concern that those with lower parental and personal resources make the transition at younger ages and are thus more likely to separate or divorce. This concern has been mainly expressed about women but the same may hold true for men as well. The study uses data gathered through Statistics Canada's 2001 General Social Survey on Family History and focuses on men born from 1922 to 1975. It makes use of event history techniques of analysis including single decrement life tables, hazard models, and sequence analysis.
See paper
Presented in Session 108: Men's Reproductive Lives: A Developed Country Perspective