To Study or Not to Study: The Influence of Family Migration on School Enrollment among Mexican Adolescents
Silvia Elena Giorguli Saucedo, El Colegio de México
The main objective of my research is to explore the effects of international migration in the communities of origin. The specific goal is to analyze to what extent family experiences of migration to the U.S. influence the school enrollment of adolescents in Mexico. Using nationwide and representative data, I analyze the differences in school enrollment among Mexican adolescents between 12 and 16 years of age taking into account whether someone in the family has lived or lives in the U.S. and the prevalence of migration to the U.S. in the community. The first results indicate that migration to the U.S. may be deterring adolescents from staying in school, and that the effect is stronger for boys than for girls. A possible explanation is that adolescents and their families lower their educational expectations as the perceived returns from education are lower compared to the returns from migration to the U.S.
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Presented in Session 29: Non-Economic Consequences of Migration for Origin Communities