Population and Employment Forecast for 2030 by Quarter Section in Chicago: Methodology
Marie V. Bousfield, City of Chicago, Department of Planning and Development
For transportation planning, the City of Chicago has recently prepared population and employment forecasts by quarter section for 2030. The population forecast uses a modified housing unit method with changes in the housing stock linked to expected residential developments. The employment forecast takes into account non-residential developments expected in the central business district, the industrial corridors, and along commercial and business streets. Information on expected developments was obtained from city planners. A citywide population forecast using the cohort component method was prepared simultaneously. The complex process of quarter section forecasting was made possible through the use of GIS software called "Paint the Town" which streamlines the recording of proposed developments and constantly updates the quarter section forecast. The resulting forecast will be reviewed in public meetings where community leaders, business people, and residents will be invited to suggest changes.
Presented in Poster Session 6: Applied Demography, Methods, Migration, Labor and Education, Gender, and Race and Ethnicity