Fertility Decisions among Couples: A Study of Three Selected Districts from Bihar and Uttar Pradesh
Sayeed Unisa, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Tarun K. Roy, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Chander Shekhar, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
It is increasingly evident that the complex dynamics of the reproductive process cannot be properly understood as long as researchers continue to base their studies on data collected exclusively from women. It would be desirable to examine how family size desire as well as motivation to use contraception varies between husbands and wives. This study is undertaken in a region where level of fertility is still substantially high and women tend to have less autonomy. We analyse the responses to desired family size and desire for an additional child reported by husband and wife. The desired family size as reported by husband is higher than the wife. Overall, in 11 per cent cases there is disagreement between spouses on desire for additional child. The agreement between husband and wife on having a son in the family is quite obvious. However, the study points out towards a stronger desire for sons among women than men.
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Presented in Session 154: Gender and Fertility Decision-Making