Sexual Behaviour and Perceptions of Risk: Male Rural-Urban Migrants in Tanzania

Ernestina E. Coast, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)

Rural-urban migration in sub-Saharan Africa has been associated with changing exposure to risk of HIV infection, not least because urban areas are perceived to encourage a loosening of familial and community control on sexual behaviour. Located in Tanzania, this study uses three research methodologies: an individual questionnaire for tracing sexual networks; follow-up in-depth interviews with selected questionnaire respondents; and, focus group discussions. The questionnaire combines detailed migration histories with sexual and condom behaviour data (both spousal and non-spousal) and HIV knowledge and personal risk perceptions. Data are collected from both urban and rural men in order to address 2 key research questions. Firstly, do the sexual experience and behaviour of migrants differ from non-migrants? Secondly, do migrants have higher levels of HIV and contraceptive knowledge and use (including condom use) than non-migrants? This study also assesses whether a polygynous setting affects male perceptions of HIV risk and reproductive behaviour.

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Presented in Session 145: Men's Reproductive Behavior